
FHIR Converter API

Join the waitlist to get early access to Metriport's new open-source FHIR Converter API.

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Convert Data to FHIR... and Back

A key piece to achieving true interoperability is compatibility between different data formats. Using advanced processing techniques, Metriport's FHIR Converter API takes common healthcare data formats such as C-CDA, HL7v2, and PDF, and converts them into FHIR R4 to streamline data exchange.
Metriport FHIR Converter API diagram
FHIR data example Asprin


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Metriport's FHIR Converter API quickly converts C-CDA documents into structured FHIR R4 data, and hydrates the data with rich medical coding standards such as ICD-10, SNOMED, and RxNorm for best-in-class data fidelity.
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